Smart Sun Protection
Our focus for December is to give more info on smart sun protection. What exactly is Smart Sun Protection you may ask. This would be sunblocks that protect the skin against UVA, UVB, Infra-Red (indoor lights), High Energy Visible light (cellphones and laptops) and pollution.
These smart Sunblocks contain specific antioxidants that also fight free-radical damage and ageing. But apart from that it is also anti-inflammatory.
All people should wear sunscreen. Every day UV rays penetrate through cloud cover and most glass. So even when it is cloudy and a cold day we should wear sunscreen, and even when we are indoors or driving. Infra red rays penetrate deeper than you UV rays. So sunblock is a must for indoors and outdoors and while driving. Apply 15 minutes before leaving your house in the mornings and reapply every 2 to 3 hours. Some of the sunblocks is in a mineral powder brush form that makes it easy to reapply during the day. Even sunblock that is sweat and water resistant needs to be reapplied regularly every 2 to 3 hours.
The general recommendation for the amount of sunblock must be enough to fill a shot glass. Don’t forget to apply sunblock on the lips, neck and hands, feet and scalp (if needed).
There is physical and chemical sunscreens. Physical sunscreens start working the moment they’re applied and help to reflect harmful rays. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the most ingredients in physical sunblocks. These are great for sensitive skin and children.
Chemical sunscreens are more water and sweat resistant. Ingredients like Oxybenzone and Avobenzone are used in chemical sunscreens. These are best for sport and swimming. Chemical sunscreens absorbs the UV rays and should be applied 20 to 30 minutes before going outside.
Regular daily use of sunscreen can reduce our chances of developing Skin Cancer, Pigmentation and Ageing by about 50%. It literally takes one minute to apply but can prevent so much harm on the skin.
Never be skimpy with Sunblock
Skin Deep SA